Our governance structure is designed to provide both strong corporate oversight and independent adjudication. Corporate, operational, and governance responsibilities are separate from our adjudicative functions (i.e., hearings on energy applications).
Board of Directors
A chair heads the AER and leads a board of directors, who together set the general direction of our business affairs but are not involved in the day-to-day operations and decisions.
Our chief executive officer is accountable for day-to-day operations, and our executive leadership team oversees the AER’s various divisions and branches.
Organizational Structure
The AER is made up of an Operations division and various branches that are organized to efficiently carry out our business and regulatory functions.
Strategic Plan
Our strategic plan helps us prioritize our work and enables our employees to recognize how their day-to-day functions support our mission and vision.
Annual Report
Our annual report summarizes what’s happened over the last 12 months, how the balance sheet is looking, and what we have planned over the next year.
Hearing Commissioners
AER's hearing commissioners conduct hearings for energy applications and regulatory appeals and help develop the AER’s hearing procedures, rules, and processes for alternate dispute resolution conducted by hearing commissioners.