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Reports and Studies

Statistical Reports

Our ST60B: Upstream Petroleum Industry Flaring and Venting Report  includes categories for emissions from glycol dehydrators, and emissions from surface casing vent flow and gas migration.

Emissions Research

We are participating in a number of studies on methane emissions. As we developed the new methane reduction requirements, we identified gaps in the current level of knowledge and understanding of the emissions landscape (e.g. equipment inventories and measurement).

By investing in research we will improve the emissions baseline accuracy and test the effectiveness of new technology. We believe this will lead to optimized regulatory stringency, greater regulatory compliance, and cost-effective solutions for industry.

Related Information 

We publish methane data on our Methane Performance webpages, including

  • methane emissions by facility type, production type, or area,
  • summary information on our alternative Fugitive Emissions Management Program (FEMP), and
  • measures to improve industry methane performance.

This is part of our industry performance program, which measures, evaluates, and reports on the energy development activities that we regulate.