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AER licences and oilfield waste management approvals do not automatically transfer when a purchase agreement has been made. The AER must approve any transfer of AER-licensed wells, facilities (including oilfield waste management facilities), and pipelines. As outlined in Directive 088, a transfer application will trigger a holistic licensee assessment of both the transferor and transferee.  We will consider the results of the holistic assessment and other factors when making the decision to approve, approve with conditions, or deny a transfer application.

Licences or approvals that require a site-specific liability assessment will need to review section 6.3 of Directive 011 to ensure that the SSLA meets the requirements for the transfer application.

Additional factors are considered as part of our holistic licensee assessment, including the unreasonable risks outlined in section 4.5 of the updated Directive 067: Eligibility Requirements for Acquiring and Holding Energy Licences and Approvals. Factors we may now consider when reviewing a transfer application include unpaid municipal taxes or surface lease payments. Licensees must disclose the amount of any unpaid municipal taxes or surface lease payments when requested by the AER. It is important to note that the AER is not involved with the collection of unpaid municipal taxes and does not have jurisdiction to implement compliance or enforcement actions related to unpaid municipal taxes. Municipalities remain responsible for the collection and enforcement of their municipal taxes.

Directive 088 and Manual 023 outline that the AER will accept transfer applications for licences that are reclamation certified and reclamation exempt. For example, we may now apply discretion to require licensees to include the transfer of reclamation-certified and reclamation-exempt licences that are part of an insolvency proceeding or corporate clean out. The AER encourages licensees to contact the AER to discuss their specific circumstances with respect to reclamation-certified and reclamation-exempt licences.

For licences with a public lands disposition that needs to be assigned or transferred, licensees must not have arrears  in respect of any debts to the Crown or taxes owing to a municipality. The AER will reject applications for assignment when debts are known.

More detailed information on the transfer process can be found in Manual 023: Licensee Life-Cycle Management.