Scheme Approval Area Map Viewer and Core and Drill Cutting Map Viewer - Scheduled Maintenance
The map viewer will be unavailable on Thursday March 20, 2025 from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. If you have any questions or require technical support, please email
Tool | Description |
Abandoned Well Map | This map viewer is an interactive map application that identifies all recorded surface locations of abandoned wells by area. Additional details include the abandoned wells’ licensees; and the latitude and longitude of each well’s surface location. Additional information can be found on the Government of Alberta's GeoDiscover Map. |
AER Order System | The AER order system is the official site for all regulatory orders and provides a graphical interface for field orders and pool orders. The order system also provides the capability to graphically query (locate) control wells (coalbed methane and shale gas), development entities (DEs), strike areas, and oil sands areas (OSAs). |
Alberta Responsible Energy Policy System (AREPS) | The AREPS portal provides access to public policies relating to the development of upstream oil, gas, oil sands and coal. Users are able to identify and access policy documents from this easy to use platform. AREPS gives access to directives, interim directives, information letters and manuals from the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) and polices from Alberta Energy and Alberta Environment and Protected Areas. |
Authorizations Viewer | This helpful tool is available to the public and allows registered users to view AER and AEP authorizations issued under the Water Act or the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act. |
Base of Groundwater Protection Query Tool | The base of groundwater protection (BGWP) query tool uses an interactive map application to provide BGWP depths (metres above sea level) for legal subdivisions (LSD) in Alberta. The BGWP is the best estimate of the elevation at which nonsaline groundwater is likely to occur. (Note: LSDs for mountainous regions and the northeastern quarter of Alberta are not available for query.) |
Coal Mine Maps | The coal mine map viewer is an interactive map application that facilitates map navigation through panning and zooming functions, and allows users to locate mines by their associated mine numbers. |
Core and Drill Cutting Map Viewer | This map viewer is an interactive map application that identifies the available material inventory for core and drill cuttings at the Core Research Center by area. Additional details include the wells’ licence, UWI, interval, core condition, site location, and the latitude and longitude of each well’s bottom hole location. |
Dam and Pond Map | Our Dam and Pond Map displays all 119 AER-regulated ponds across the province. The interactive tool allows users to identify the names and locations of ponds and dams, as well as their size, type of fluid stored, related energy sector, operator, associated project, and the Canadian Dam Association's dam consequence classification. |
Digital Data Submission (DDS)* | The digital data submission (DDS) system is used to electronically submit information to the AER. The DDS is used by industry members to submit - applications, IMPORTANT: Please use Google Chrome browser to navigate within DDS. Note: DDS will not be compatible with other browsers including Microsoft Edge. Please make sure to allow pop-ups from DDS site on your PC in Google Chrome. Follow this link for instructions and scroll down to “Manage pop-ups & redirects for a specific site”. If you need assistance, please contact the DDS Administrator. Supporting documents:
Electronic Assignments Program | The electronic assignments program is part of the broader Electronic Transfer System (ETS) and facilitates the assignment of surface dispositions issued under the Public Lands Act within the province of Alberta, where over 15 000 oil and gas dispositions are approved annually. Electronic assignments encompass all transactions, documents, and data exchanges associated with the assignment of a disposition holder’s interest in a surface disposition to another party. Under the ETS umbrella, the electronic assignments program can be used for accessing and conveying information for a number of different applications, such as land searches or e-transfers. Oil and gas agreement transfers include dispositions for easements, licences of occupation, mineral surface leases, pipeline installations leases, pipeline agreements, and vegetation control easements. |
Employee remote access
Employee remote access to AER systems. AER credentials will be required.
If you encounter problems with remote access please contact the AER Service Desk.
AER Service Desk hours are:
On-site support: Monday to Friday - 7:00am to 5:00pm
Holidays: There is no support on holidays.
If you need to reset/change your password, please use the Self-Service Password Manager.