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Digital Library

The photos in this library may be reproduced without charge or permission from the AER, provided that they are not modified and the AER is listed as the source. Users are bound to the conditions listed in the AER Copyright and Disclaimer

To download a photo, click on the hyperlink next to the thumbnail. Downloads may take several minutes to complete.

Photos for Use


Rob Morgan
Rob Morgan
JPG (8192 x 5414 @ 300dpi)

Office Locations

Calgary Head OfficeHead office in Calgary, Alberta.
TIF (3600 x 2400)
AER flag flying outside a local field centreAn AER flag flying outside a local field centre.
TIF (3600 x 2400)
Core Research Centre in CalgaryCore Research Centre in Calgary, Alberta.
TIF (3600 x 2400)


An oil sands mine near Fort McMurray, AlbertaAn oil sands mine near Fort McMurray, Alberta.
TIF (3600 x 2400)
A mining shovel digging and loading oil sands ore onto trucksA mining shovel digging and loading oil sands ore onto trucks.
TIF (3600 x 2400)
Pipeline construction in winterPipeline construction during the winter months.
TIF (3600 x 2400)
A pumpjack in Alberta prairieA pumpjack in the Alberta prairie.
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sour gas facility near BalzacA sour gas facility near Balzac, Alberta.
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Flare stach flaring excess gassA flare stack flaring excess gas. Flaring is the controlled burning of natural gas during routine oil and gas production.
TIF (3600 x 2400)
gas pipeline riserA gas pipeline riser.
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Cutting pipe during a pipeline construction projectCutting pipe during a pipeline construction project.
TIF (3600 x 2400)
Aboveground pipelines from a thermal in situ facilityAboveground pipelines from a thermal in situ facility.
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Aboveground pipelines from a thermal in situ facility.Aboveground pipelines from a thermal in situ facility.
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A pipeline riser inspection.A pipeline riser inspection.
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Field Surveillance

Mobile Incident Command (MIC) is deployed across Alberta when energy-related incidents occur.
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A field inspector inspecting a section of pipeline to ensure compliance with AER requirements.
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An inspector inspects a pipe.
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Pipes are stored waiting to be installed into a pipeline

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Stacks of core samples are stored up to 8.5 metres high on specially designed racks.
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A core picker selecting core samples at the Core Research Centre.
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Core drilling samples stored at the Core Research Centre.
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Bitumen core samples.
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Conglomerate core samples.
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Core samples are examined under microscopes for various elements.
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Frank Slide area on top of Turtle Mountain near Blairmore, Alberta.
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A slide sensor network station monitors slide activity on top of Turtle Mountain.
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A solar panel powering the stations to monitor slide activity on top of Turtle Mountain.
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The Frank Slide measures 150 metres deep, 425 metres high and one kilometre wide.
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Seismic equipment used for measuring mountain tremors.
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Sensor network station and target. By comparing photos, geologists can tell how much a target has moved over time.
TIF (3600 x 2400)

Videos for Use

B-roll footage in this library may be reproduced without charge or permission from the AER, provided it is used for the purpose of journalistic practice and the AER is listed as the source. Users are bound to the conditions listed in the AER Copyright and Disclaimer.

To download a video, click on the hyperlink next to the thumbnail. Downloads may take several minutes to complete.

Incident Command and Inspections

Emergency response: Mobile Incident Command (MIC)
MP4 (286 MB)
Ensuring compliance: Inspecting Alberta’s pipelines
MP4 (182 MB)
The AER on call, SUV and truck
MP4 (215 MB)
Researching Alberta’s geological landscape
MP4 (274 MB)

Our Locations

Alberta Geological Survey (Edmonton)
MP4 (273 MB)
Core Research Centre (Calgary)
MP4 (322 MB)
Calgary head office (exteriors)
MP4 (290 MB)

Pipeline Performance

How does the Pipeline Performance Report help improve industry performance?
David Helmer, director of Pipelines in Industry Operations
MP4 (21MB)
Are pipeline incidents preventable?
David Helmer, director of Pipelines in Industry Operations
MP4 (35MB)


Govier Hall, Calgary public hearing facility
MP4 (264 MB)