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Licence Reports

Reports providing information about specific wells, facilities, or pipeline licences.

ReportDescriptionUpdate Frequency
Alberta Licensing Report [Tableau]  
Pipeline Licence Report - Details and Licence History [Tableau]This report is providing detailed information on pipeline licences.daily
Pipeline Licence List for all of Alberta [CSV]This list is providing an inventory of all pipeline licences.daily
Facility Licence Report - Details and History [Tableau]This report is providing detailed information on facility licences.daily
Facility Licence List for all of Alberta [CSV]This list is providing an inventory of all facility licences.daily
Licensed Facility Report [CSV] [PDF]These files list all licensed oil and gas facilities, including licensee code and name, licence number, status, category, location, facility ID and type, and operator code and name.daily
Well Licence Report - Details and Licence History [Tableau]This report is providing detailed information on well licences.daily
Well Licence List for all of Alberta [CSV]This report is providing an inventory of all well licences.daily