We understand that the regulatory decisions we make on energy and mineral resource development projects can have lasting effects on industry, Albertans, Indigenous communities, nongovernmental groups (NGOs), wildlife, and the environment. To ensure those who may be affected have the chance to communicate their perspective, we host different types of engagement opportunities across the province to share information about our work and when we are considering changes to the regulations that support energy and resource development project decisions.
Engagement Approach
We are interested in engaging with those who have views and feedback on our regulatory framework to share. Through different engagement activities, we open lines of communication which builds and strengthens relationships, as both are critical to achieving balanced outcomes. Learn more about who we engage with and how valuable your perspective can be in strengthening the way we regulate energy and resource development in Alberta.
Get Involved
We encourage you to get involved in the discussion about energy development and regulation. There are lots of opportunities to ask questions, attend events, exercise your rights, or have an impact in your community.

Indigenous Engagement
Before making regulatory decisions, we are responsible for considering all of the potential effects energy and resource development projects may have on existing treaty rights, harvesting, and traditional use activities across the province. To have meaningful discussions with Indigenous communities requires our approach be culturally sensitive to their world view and acknowledge different customs, beliefs, and ways of sharing and developing mutually beneficial outcomes.
Multi-Stakeholder Engagement Advisory Committee
The Multi-Stakeholder Engagement Advisory Committee (MSEAC) brings together diverse voices—Indigenous communities, environmental groups, municipal associations, and landowners—to provide us with insights that foster balanced, informed decision-making in energy and mineral regulation.

We host different types of events to align with the needs of different individuals, energy companies, groups, and Indigenous communities. How and where they occur depend on the issue, who’s involved, and what we are trying to achieve. See our events page for upcoming training sessions and engagements.