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We hold and attend events, such as industry and community meetings across the province to share information. When invited, we also visit Indigenous communities, and want to hear from Albertans, and others who inform our decisions about energy and resource regulation. Check this page for events in your area.

Community Events

We engage with communities across Alberta by sharing information about the work that we do, helping people understand how to have their voices heard, and getting feedback on proposed changes to our requirements, to name a few ways.

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Hearings Image


Hearing commissioners conduct oral, written, or electronic hearings on energy development projects. Our Hearings – Public Record System(opens in new window) gives an update on the latest AER hearings. Open to the public, hearings may be observed either in person or accessed virtually, as live-streamed audio or video.

Industry Sessions

There are no Industry Information sessions planned at this time.

OneStop Training 

There are no OneStop Training sessions planned at this time.

For more information about OneStop, visit our website or contact the AER’s Customer Contact Centre by phone at 403-297-8311 (1-855-297-8311 toll-free) or by email to

Technical Briefings

Like most regulators, our requirements are often seen as complex and technical. To provide clarity to those who need it, we often host technical briefings to share updates and answer questions. These briefings take place in person or online.