Companies profiting from the province’s energy resources must safely and responsibly remediate, abandon (“decommission”) and reclaim their energy infrastructure, and development sites. Our requirements help ensure that wells, pipelines, mines, and facilities are remediated in a timely manner when incidents occur, that they are taken out of service safely, with no harm to the public or the environment and at the end of a project’s life cycle, that the site is reclaimed.
Locate details on our remediation expectations and processes for energy companies managing contamination resulting from spills, leaks, or historic practices including the steps for containing contamination, assessing site conditions, and implementing clean-up measures.

Find our process and requirements for reclaiming energy development sites, to help ensure disturbed land is returned to its original or similar condition after operations cease. Locate details on reclamation requirements for oil and gas sites, mines, and in situ operations, as well as the process for obtaining a reclamation certificate.