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Hearing Notices

A notice of hearing is a legal document that announces an AER hearing. We hold hearings to make decisions on applications, regulatory appeals, and reconsiderations.

We publish all hearing notices to this page and often in local or regional newspapers (print or online). 

Why It’s Important

  1. The notice of hearing tells you where to get more information about the proposed project and the hearing.
  2. The notice of hearing also explains how you can apply to participate in the hearing. If you want to participate, you must file a request by the deadline set out in the notice of hearing. If you miss the deadline, you might not be allowed to participate.
  3. If you are approved to participate in the hearing, you may be eligible to recover some costs associated with participating in the hearing. Before spending money, see Directive 031: REDA Energy Cost Claims.

We also issue other notices related to hearings, including scheduling, rescheduling, adjourning, or cancelling hearings.

Proceeding IDApplication ReferenceCompany NameImportant DatesDate Sort ascending
453Application 1935920Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Final date to file a request to participate.

Final date for response from the applicant on any requests to participate.
450Applications 1909112, 012-00149968, 025-00201931, 001-00413940, and 033406Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Final date to file a request to participate.

Final date for response from the applicant on any requests to participate.
440Application 1948503Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Hearing begins
451Application 1943077Normtek Radiation Services Ltd.
Final date to file a request to participate.
449Applications 1945552, 1945553, 001-00496728, 001-00496729, 001-00496730, 32212208 and 32900389Summit Coal Inc.
Final date to file a request to participate.

Final date for response from the applicant on any requests to participate.
444Applications A10123772, 1948547, and 00497386Northback Holdings Corporation
Part 1 of the hearing begins.

Part 2 of the hearing begins.
436Application 1943624Obsidian Energy Ltd.
Hearing begins
417Application 31097955Pieridae Alberta Production Ltd.
Hearing begins
448Applications 1948251 and 1948255Veresen Midstream General Partner Inc.
447Applications 1948251, 1948255Veresen Midstream General Partner Inc.
Final date to file a request to participate.

Final date to submit responses to any request to participate.