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AER Bulletin 2014-05

Canada’s Emergency Order for the Protection of the Greater Sage-Grouse

Release Date

On November 18, 2013, the Governor General in Council of Canada issued the Emergency Order for the Protection of the Greater Sage-Grouse under the Species at Risk Act. The emergency order went into effect on February 18, 2014.

The emergency order contains prohibitions against certain types of activities (including oil- and gas-related operations) and applies to Greater Sage-Grouse habitat on specified federal and provincial Crown lands in southeastern Alberta and southwestern Saskatchewan. The emergency order provides a listing of the specific lands to which it applies. Private lands are not included in the scope of the emergency order.

The emergency order and related information about the Greater Sage-Grouse can be found at the Species at Risk Act public registry (

Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) Application and Approval Processes in the Area Covered by the Emergency Order

It remains the responsibility of applicants seeking AER approvals, licences, permits, and orders and holders of existing approvals, licences, permits, and orders to take all steps necessary to ensure that they do not engage in any activities that are prohibited under the emergency order.

Issuance of an AER approval, licence, permit, or order permitting activities in the geographic area covered by the emergency order does not authorize activities that are not permitted under the emergency order and does not relieve applicants and licensees of their obligations to comply with all applicable legislation.

To facilitate awareness of the emergency order, a new release of the Enhanced Approval Process (EAP) Landscape Analysis Tool (LAT) and Integrated Standards and Guidelines will occur on March 15, 2014. These tools will reflect the geographic area that is subject to the emergency order. Any LAT report generated on or before March 14, 2014, that has not already been submitted with an application for an EAP disposition will be automatically rejected by the Electronic Disposition System (EDS) effective March 15, 2014. A new LAT report reflecting the updated Integrated Standards and Guidelines will be required after this date. This new release of LAT will affect all users of the EAP process across the province and will not be confined to those seeking EAP approvals in the geographic area covered by the emergency order.

For more information about the emergency order, contact:

Canadian Wildlife Services
Environmental Stewardship Branch
Prairie & Northern Region
Environment Canada
Eastgate Offices
9250 – 49 Street,
Edmonton, AB T6B 1K5
Telephone: 1-800-668-6767

For general questions related to Alberta Energy Regulator business, please contact the customer contact centre at 403-297-8311, or toll free at 1-855-297-8311, or by e-mail at

<original signed by>

Robert Wadsworth
Vice President
Authorizations Branch