Today, we released new editions of Directive 056: Energy Development Applications and Schedules, Directive 089: Geothermal Resource Development, and Directive 090: Brine-Hosted Mineral Resource Development. We also released a new edition of Manual 012: Energy Development Applications Procedures and Schedules.
The directives and manual were revised to include changes concerning geothermal and brine-hosted minerals and liability management.
We made the following administrative amendments to clarify requirements and processes for geothermal and brine-hosted minerals:
- Revisions and clarification of the process to convert a well to a geothermal or mineral well and then transfer ownership of the well.
- Updated language to include the AER’s expanded authority over geothermal and mineral resource development.
- Revisions and clarification concerning submitting supplemental application information via the designated information submission system.
- Edits made to align the regulatory instruments with AER technology.
In addition, as part of our ongoing implementation of the Liability Management Framework policy, we have amended the directives and manual to remove references and requirements for the liability management rating (LMR) and licensee liability rating (LLR) programs.
The directives are available on the Directives landing page, and Manual 012 is available on the Manuals landing page.
If you have any questions, contact our Customer Contact Centre by phone at 1-855-297-8311 or by email at