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General Well Data

Under Directive 059: Well Drilling and Completion Data Filing Requirements, companies must record and submit data to us throughout the drilling phase of well and update the well’s status throughout its life cycle

We compile the data in our General Well Data Report, which is updated daily and includes basic drilling data for each oil, gas, oil sands, and water well in Alberta, including domestic water wells. The report does not include production data. An All-Alberta file is available through the Product and Services Catalogue.

Access the Report

General Well Data Report [Tableau]
Users can search by licence number or well identifier. See the report for further guidance.

Additional data sets available

List of Wells with Greater than 9 Drilling Event Sequences [XLSX]
The list is updated monthly and lists all wells with drilling events greater than nine.

Well Casing Failures Report [CSV]
The report is updated daily and provides detailed information on each well with a reported casing failure .

Well Pad ID Report [CSV]
The report is updated daily and provides basic information on multi-well pad IDs.

Vent Flow and Gas Migration Report [CSV]
The report is updated daily and provides information on wells with reported surface casing vent flow and gas migration.