This report provides a summary of flared and vented volumes for the various oil and gas industry sectors. It also reports in detail on solution gas conserved from oil and bitumen batteries. Tables show operators by rank based on solution gas flared, solution gas vented, total solution gas production, and total oil from crude oil and bitumen batteries. The operators are ranked provincially and by AER field centre area. The top 25 gas producers and top 25 companies venting solution gas are also listed.
Current and Historical Reports | ||
2023 report including data and tables [PDF] (ST60B-2024) raw data [XLSX] (ST60B-2024) | ||
Historical Reports | ||
2022 data, tables and raw data [ZIP] (ST60B-2023) | 2020 data, tables, and shapefiles [ZIP] (ST60B - 2021) | 2019-2010 data [ZIP] (ST60B-2020 through ST60B2011) |
2021 data, tables, and raw data [ZIP] (ST60B - 2022) | 2009-2000 data [ZIP] (ST60B-2010 through ST60B2001) |
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