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Application 1778538

Notice of Hearing - Prosper Rigel Project

Notice of Scheduling of Hearing

Proceeding ID 350

Prosper Petroleum Ltd

Rigel Oil Sands Project

The Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) will hold a public hearing of applications 1778538, 00370772-001, and 001-341659 at MacDonald Island (Miskinaw Ballroom), 1 CA Knight Way, Fort McMurray, Alberta, starting on October 17, 2017, at 9:00 a.m. The hearing will be webcast at

The AER issued a notice of hearing on January 30, 2017, and has received requests to participate in response to that notice. All parties must be present to register at the start of the hearing.

Description of the Project

Prosper Petroleum Limited’s (Prosper) Rigel Oil Sands Project (the project) is a proposed bitumen recovery scheme that would use steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) to produce a maximum of 1600 cubic metres (m³) of bitumen per day (10 000 barrels/day) from the Wabiskaw Member. The bitumen would be recovered from Prosper’s leases in Sections 20 and 21 of Township 96, Range 17, West of the 4th Meridian. The complete project is anticipated to include a central processing facility, for steam generation and production, connected to six multiwell pads. Each pad will have eight horizontal SAGD well pairs (injection and production). The project site also includes observation wells, water source wells, steam generation facilities, production facilities, water treatment and recycling facilities, pipelines, support buildings, an access road, utility corridors, a laydown area, sumps, borrow pits, and a construction camp.

The project site is located about 64 kilometres northwest of the community of Fort McKay.

In support of the project, Prosper has applied for the following:

  • Oil Sands Conservation Act application 1778538 to construct and operate a bitumen recovery scheme.
  • Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act application 001-341659 for the construction, operation, and reclamation of the project.
  • Water Act application 00370772-001 for approval to withdraw 850 m3/day of nonsaline water from the Viking and Undifferentiated Drift (Deep Drift) Formations.

Where can I find information about the applications and the hearing?

For a copy of the hearing materials, including the applications, contact

Prosper Petroleum Ltd.

1810, 500 – 4th Ave., S.W.

Calgary, AB T2P 2V6

Attention: Carrie Cochran

Telephone: 403-930-5302

Fax: 403-532-7644


To view the materials in person or for information on AER procedures, contact

Tara Wheaton, Hearing Coordinator

Alberta Energy Regulator

Suite 1000, 250 – 5 Street SW

Calgary, Alberta  T2P 0R4


Phone: 403-297-8288

Issued at Calgary, Alberta, on October 4, 2017.


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