Notice of Scheduling of Hearing
Proceeding ID 366
Husky Oil Operations Limited
Regulatory Appeal of Reclamation Certificate
The Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) will hold a public hearing for a regulatory appeal of reclamation certificate 103730 at the Holiday Inn Express Hotel and Suites, 4404 – 52 Ave, Bonnyville, Alberta, starting on December 12, 2018, at 10:00 a.m. Â
The AER issued a notice of hearing on June 26, 2018. B. Chartrand, Husky Oil Operations Limited (Husky), and the AER’s Reclamation Programs Group are parties to this regulatory appeal and must be present to register at the start of the hearing.
Description of the Proceeding
Husky applied for a reclamation certificate for a well site and access road in Legal Subdivision 16, Section 5, Township 62, Range 4, West of the 4th Meridian, about 4.3 kilometres northeast of the hamlet of Fort Kent (see map below). The AER issued the reclamation certificate on October 3, 2017.
On December 12, 2017, the AER received a request from Mr. Chartrand for a regulatory appeal, under Part 2, Division 3, of the Responsible Energy Development Act and Part 3 of the Alberta Energy Regulator Rules of Practice,of its decision to issue the reclamation certificate.
On May 16, 2018, the AER issued its decision to hold a hearing. The purpose of the hearing is to determine whether the AER should confirm, vary, suspend, or revoke its decision to issue the reclamation certificate.
Where can I find information about the hearing?
To view or receive a copy of the hearing materials, or for information on AER procedures, contact
Tammy Turner, Hearing Coordinator
Alberta Energy Regulator
Suite 1000, 250 – 5 Street SW
Calgary, Alberta T2P 0R4
Phone: 403-297-3232
Issued at Calgary, Alberta, on September 14, 2018.