Replaces the previous edition released on June 1, 2022
See section 1.3 for what's new.
Purpose of this Directive
This directive sets out waste reporting requirements for oilfield waste management facilities (OWMF). Under the Oil and Gas Conservation Regulations, oilfield waste must be managed in accordance with Directive 058: Oilfield Waste Management Requirements for the Upstream Petroleum Industry, which requires approval holders of specific types of OWMF to submit monthly reports on receipts and dispositions of oilfield waste and nonoilfield waste.
These reports allow the AER to track and monitor the receipt, processing, and disposal of oilfield and nonoilfield wastes. They also allow the AER to track and monitor the disposal of by-products, including recovered oil and residuals generated by an OWMF’s process, and their transfer to AER and non-AER-regulated facilities. Directive 047 supports the process by detailing requirements for how to submit these reports to the AER via Petrinex.