Release Date
Effective Date
Replaces the previous edition released on December 22, 2011.
Released with Bulletin 2023-40.
Note: The November 15, 2023, edition of the directive has been changed:
- Revised some requirements to be clear that notification to the AER via OneStop is by submitting a form
- Revised the acceptable digital file type examples for submission of TSPW route maps
Purpose of this Directive
This directive integrates several AER directives, informational letters, interpretive documents, and reference tools related to pipelines into one document, and supplements the Pipeline Act, Pipeline Rules and CSA standard Z662: Oil and gas pipeline systems. The directive provides a single source of information.
The directive has been revised to incorporate revisions to the Pipeline Rules. For more information, see section 1.3, “What’s New in This Edition."
See the Directive 077 What We Heard and the Pipeline Rules What We Heard for a summary of the feedback we received.