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Aboriginal Consultations

First Nations and Métis settlements consultation may be triggered when the Government of Alberta has to make a decision regarding land and natural resource management that may have an adverse impact on First Nations’ Treaty rights or traditional uses or Métis settlement members’ harvesting and traditional uses. The government’s Aboriginal Consultation Office (ACO) directs project applicants to consult with First Nations and Métis settlements that may be impacted by the proponents’ projects.

We work closely with the ACO, with direction from ministerial orders on First Nations and Métis consultation:

First Nations consultation – the order issued on October 31, 2014, provides direction to the AER on how to interact with the ACO on matters relating to First Nations consultation.

Métis settlements consultation – the order issued on March 30, 2016, provides direction to the AER on how to interact with the ACO on matters relating to Métis settlements consultation.

Joint Operating Procedures

Ministerial Orders


  • Bulletin 2015-04: Release of the Joint Operating Procedures for First Nations Consultation on Energy Resource Activities, Including New Application Requirements
  • Bulletin 2015-10: Joint Operating Procedures for First Nations Consultation on Energy Resource Activities – Delay in Implementing New Application Requirements
  • Bulletin 2015-20: Release of Revised Joint Operating Procedures for First Nations Consultation on Energy Resource Activities

Other Information

Learn about the AER’s indigenous engagement initiatives.