Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) is a process that can help two or more groups of people resolve disputes—in this case, disputes related to an energy or mineral resource development or activity. It is available throughout the life cycle of a resource project. The process is typically used to resolve public-to-company, Indigenous community-to-company, and company-to-company disputes.
ADR can be used at any stage in the regulatory process:
- before a company submits a project application to the AER
- during our application review
- when a file is referred to the hearing commissioners for a hearing
- when operational or reclamation concerns arise
What to Expect
The parties involved in ADR are encouraged to communicate, understand the issues behind a dispute, and work together to find a mutually acceptable solution.
ADR can happen through direct negotiation, AER staff-led mediation, or independent third-party mediation. The parties should aim to resolve the dispute together before turning to AER-led or third-party mediation.
Independent Third-Party Mediation
While most disputes are mediated by regional AER staff trained in mediation, disputes can also be mediated by independent third-party mediators. The ADR Institute of Alberta (ADRIA) provides a directory of mediators, arbitrators, and adjudicators (opens in new window) in Alberta , which includes a filtering option to search by practice sector.
Benefits of ADR
Why would someone choose to pursue ADR? Because it
- helps all parties understand the issue;
- identifies common interests;
- enables parties to improve relationships;
- allows parties to take an active role in resolving the dispute; and
- helps manage time and resources efficiently.
Things to Consider
Before pursuing ADR, please be aware that
- the request for ADR should follow an attempt at direct resolution between parties, which for company-to-company disputes should include a preliminary meeting;
- participation in the ADR process is voluntary, unless directed otherwise;
- parties must agree to an open-minded, respectful, and honest discussion to reach a mutually acceptable solution;
- discussions are confidential and conducted without prejudice;
- the ADR process will not delay the application process; and
- the ADR process will not prevent access to an AER hearing or diminish the rights of the parties.
Learn More
- Read our EnerFAQs:
Contact Our ADR Team
Anyone involved in an energy dispute can contact our ADR team at any time. ADR team members are located in field centres across Alberta. You can also email, or call 1-855-297-8311 (toll free).