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Directive 042

Measurement, Accounting, and Reporting Plan (MARP) Requirements for Thermal Bitumen Schemes

Release Date
Effective Date

Replaces the previous edition issued September 28, 2023.
Released with Bulletin 2024-34.

Purpose of this Directive

This directive sets out submission requirements for applications for thermal bitumen schemes, as required under the Oil Sands Conservation Act. In addition to the current AER application requirements, which require applicants to submit a conceptual measurement plan as part of the scheme application, a measurement, accounting, and reporting plan (MARP) must also be submitted for these types of schemes and approved by the AER before submitting licence applications under Directive 056: Energy Development Applications and Schedules for the associated surface facilities. This directive also sets out MARP requirements for existing or amendment schemes.

This change has been made to clarify existing AER requirements and improve compliance. It is also expected to better allow the AER to work collaboratively with applicants and licensees to identify potential problems and develop appropriate solutions during the scheme’s life.