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Bulletin 2021-25

New Functionality Moving to OneStop

Release Date


On July 8, 2021 we will release new functionality to the OneStop platform:

Well Licence Resumptions

Well licensees will have the ability to submit an application in OneStop to resume activity on an existing well.

Wells System-Generated Cancellations

Wells system-generated cancellations for expiries will now be auto-completed in OneStop. The cancellation notice will go to the most recently updated master security administrator in the Digital Data Submission System (DDS) for the company.

Public Lands

Applicants will now have the ability to link Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (EPEA) approvals to Public Lands in-situ applications based on specific disposition types, purposes, and activity codes. OneStop will exclude any identified Master Schedule of Standards and Conditions (MSSC) approval clauses from Public Lands approvals that are identified as redundant with existing EPEA approvals. For more details on which MSSC clauses are identified as redundant, please refer to the updated OneStop Public Lands Standards and Conditions Change Key on the OneStop landing page.

The EPEA update to MSSC will be applied to all Public Lands applications that have not been submitted before the update. Draft applications created before July 7, 2021, that contain a variance (rational and mitigation) to standards will be affected and will require updated variance information. Applicants are encouraged to maintain a separate copy of variance information for replacement in the draft application for submission.

Well Logs

Well licensees will be required to submit Log ASCII Standard (LAS) and raster well logs through OneStop. CD/DVD submissions will no longer be accepted. Well log summary reports will no longer be required.

Directive 080: Well Logging and an associated FAQ document will be updated to reflect these changes to submission requirements and will come into effect on July 8, 2021. These documents will not refer to OneStop directly. Instead the more generic term "designated information submission system" will be used. The Directive 80 landing page, under the new heading "Designated Information Submission System," will indicate which systems must be used for which submission requirements.

Record of Site Condition (RoSC)

Licensees will be required to submit all RoSCs and associated professional reports through OneStop unless the submission is required under an EPEA approval for mining operations. More information can be found on our website,, under "Contamination Management Tools and Resources".


Details on other enhancements and fixes will be made available at the time of release in the "What's New" document, found on the OneStop landing page under "Enhancements and Fixes".

We will schedule a system outage to implement these new changes. The outage notice will be posted on our Systems and Tools portal on our website, and the OneStop landing page.

Training and support materials

We will hold training sessions on RoSC before and after the release, and training sessions on well log submissions after the release. More information can be found on the Events page.

New quick reference guides (QRGs) will be posted on the OneStop landing page to support resumptions, well logs, and RoSC functionality. Updates to some Public Lands QRGs will also be posted to reflect changes to the application process.

If you have questions about OneStop or this bulletin, contact the AER's Customer Contact Centre by phone at 403-297-8311 (1-855-297-8311 toll free) or by email at