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Liability Management FAQ

This page answers commonly asked questions about our liability management programs and processes.


What are the conditions and benefits of filing a multiwell pad notification?
A licensee may establish a multiwell pad on an individual surface lease that the licensee has more than one well on.  The same licensee must hold the well licences and the surface lease. Establishing a multiwell pad reduces the reclamation liability of the wells on the pad.

I am the licensee of a well, and there has been a change to one of the working interest participants (WIPs). Can I update this information?
Yes. Licensees can update WIP information at any time in OneStop and will be prompted to update this information when a well is licensed, transferred, suspended, and abandoned.

The above information will be included in the well file, but our database will not be updated.

If a Phase I ESA finds evidence of contamination, can we estimate liability based on the Phase I investigation?
No. Observation alone cannot be used to evaluate the significance of contaminant issues or quantify the effects. A phase II ESA is required.

Where do I find facility site-specific liability assessment cost estimates? Where is the expiry date?
Site-specific liability information, including the expiry date is available through the OneStop Liability Assessment report.

Security Deposits 

How do I request a refund for a security deposit?
Directions on how to request a refund are outlined in Directive 068

How do I know the total amount of security held in our name?
For cash security, the Royal Bank of Canada provides a monthly account statement to each licensee who has paid a security deposit. 

We have not received an account statement for some months. Who should we notify to correct this? 
Call our Finance Branch at 403-297-8790. Licensees may not make changes directly with the bank.

Which financial institutions are eligible to issue letters of credit?
The Alberta Treasury Board and Finance have developed guidelines for acceptance of letters of credit (LCs). Under the guidelines, the Treasury Board highly recommends (but does not require) that the financial institution have a physical branch in Alberta. Under AER requirements, the bank issuing the LC must appear in Schedule 1, 2, or 3 of the Bank Act of Canada. We will not accept LCs from credit unions in amounts greater than two million dollars.

We will not accept LCs that do not conform to these requirements.

Event Information

Ask Us Anything Webinar - January 24, 2024