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Public Statement 2019-10-28

Interim appointments, budget, and restructuring update

For immediate release

Calgary, Alberta (Oct 28, 2019)…

The Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) has made two interim appointments to its executive leadership team, effective immediately. Martin Foy, vice president of Environment and Operational Performance, has been named acting executive vice president of the Operations division. Glen Eades, vice president of Information Services, has been named acting executive vice president of Corporate Services and Strategy division.

The provincial budget clarified the AER’s spending levels for the next two years. With the fiscal restraint imposed last spring, we are well-positioned to meet these targets. Currently, the AER has less than 1160 full-time employees, which is expected to decrease further over the next few months due to the typical rate of staff departures.

Our employees understand our system best. Over the next few months, we will seek their input to ensure any new organizational structure continues to uphold our mandate.

The search for a new CEO is underway. An announcement will be made when the new CEO is hired.

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