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Bulletin 2020-26

Changes to Oil and Gas Conservation Rules and Pipeline Rules

Release Date


On July 30, 2020, the Government of Alberta announced a new liability management framework and directed us to implement new liability management programs based upon it. The Government of Alberta has now approved rule changes to the Oil and Gas Conservation Rules and Pipeline Rules that enable us to make these changes. The changes to the rules include the following:

  • The AER may now set closure spend targets (closure quotas) for industry to support timely inventory reduction.
  • Licensees must provide closure plans when requested by the AER. We may direct the timing and priority of the work, and the closure plans could be subject to specific terms and conditions.
  • Landowners and other eligible requestors may nominate inactive or abandoned wells and facilities for closure work through an “opt-in” process. 
  • We can now collect company financial and reserves information and ensure it is kept confidential.

There are several changes to AER requirements, processes, and systems that are also required as we work to improve existing liability programs and implement the new framework. We will be seeking public feedback on several changes.

If you have any questions about the rule changes or the new liability management framework, please contact or 1-855-297-8311.