We are seeking feedback on updates to Directive 050: Drilling Waste Management. The proposed changes reduce the regulatory burden throughout the life cycle of drilling waste management without compromising safety. We have clarified the requirements, improved regulatory application efficiency, and enabled operators to reduce land disturbance from drilling waste management practices.
The following sections have been changed or clarified to reflect current regulatory and operational requirements. Refer to section 1.4, “What’s New in this Edition,” for more information.
- Section 3, “Soil Quality and Assessment for Sites Used to Manage Drilling Waste”
- Section 6, “Storage of Drilling Waste”
- Section 7, “Management of Cement Returns”
- Section 9, “Landspray”
- Section 10, “Landspray While Drilling”
- Section 11, “Disposal onto Forested Public Lands”
- Section 12, “Pump-off”
- Section 14, “Landspreading”
- Section 15, “Biodegradation”
- Section 19, “Alternative Management Methods”
- Section 21, “Record Keeping and Notification”
- Appendix 2, “Salinity and Nitrogen “
To provide feedback on the proposed revisions to Directive 050, complete the comment form on our website and email it to Directive050@aer.ca or mail it to Alberta Energy Regulator, Suite 1000, 250 – 5 Street SW, Calgary, Alberta T2P 0R4. Feedback will be accepted until January 7, 2022.
All feedback received will be reviewed and may be used in finalizing Directive 050. The comments provided through this consultation will form part of the public record and may be attributed to the specific individuals who provided them. Personal information provided with comments will be collected, used, and disclosed in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. We may use the personal contact information you provide for follow-up communication related to your feedback.
The draft directive is available on our website at Directives listed under the Draft/Open for Comment tab.