We are responsible for regulating all aspects of energy and mineral resource development in Alberta from exploration to reclamation. Our regulatory authority comes from provincial legislation including the Responsible Energy Development Act (REDA), energy statutes, specified enactments, direction provided through ministerial orders, and the water code of practice. Together, these policies and legislation grant the AER comprehensive regulatory power over energy and resource development in the province. With direction from the Government of Alberta we develop rules that form our regulatory framework. The specific requirements within directives and enforcement tools help ensure we protect the environment and public safety while industry develops energy and mineral resources safely efficiently.
Legislation and Governing Authority
We are responsible for administering provincial legislation designed to ensure that Alberta’s energy and mineral resources are developed responsibly.

Locate AER directives including rescinded, draft, interim, and in effect.
Find manuals used by the AER to guide staff, industry professionals, and other stakeholders.

Informational Letters
Find AER informational letters, the legacy documents previously used to announce new regulatory directions or technical requirements.
Specified Enactment Directions
Find specified enactment directions detailing our mandatory requirements that companies must follow to ensure responsible environmental practices in conservation and reclamation efforts.
Regulatory Change Report
Published every Thursday, our Regulatory Change Report provides a comprehensive summary of regulatory initiatives for the current fiscal year (April 1 – March 31), serving both industry and the public. This report, organized into key categories, highlights our strategic priorities and keeps stakeholders informed about ongoing efforts.