Our estimated processing time for this application is 45 business days. See our timeline spreadsheet for updates.
Purpose of the Application
We establish pool boundaries (vertically and horizontally) and assign reserves to all oil and gas pools in Alberta. Pool boundaries are shown in pool orders, our annual reserves and supply/demand publication (i.e., ST98), and individual well and pool files.
Normally, initial oil or gas volume boundaries for new pools are based on simple building-block assignment areas and wellbore parameters. This decision reflects early geological and pressure information. However, as the pool develops and more well and performance data become available, the boundaries and reserves may be adjusted. This shift in interpretation can
- affect regulatory requirements for operating and developing oil and gas pools; and
- create equity issues between operators.
More information is available in section 2.5 of Directive 065: Resources Applications for Oil and Gas Reservoirs.
Process Checklist
Submit an Application
Companies must submit pool delineation and ultimate reserves applications through our Digital Data Submission (DDS) system. Please refer to our application checklist and section 2.5 of Directive 065 for a list of mandatory documents. We will register each application and assign a reference number.
By submitting an application, the company accepts that its information is no longer confidential.
Review Process
- We share all applications on our Public Notice of Application page to encourage public participation in the approval process.
- Anyone who believes they may be directly and adversely affected by an application can file a statement of concern (SOC). If we receive an SOC, it may take us longer to process the application.
- We will assign the application to a subject matter expert for initial review. If information is missing (i.e., the application is not complete), we will close the application. Otherwise, we will proceed with a full technical review. We look at
- the location of the applied-for well or facility site. If it falls within an area covered by the Lower Athabasca Regional Plan or the South Saskatchewan Regional Plan, our review will be more stringent;
- the geologic or reservoir engineering aspects, or both, of the proposed pool delineation or ultimate reserve application. Our review will focus on the geological and engineering data that support the requested pooling or reserve changes; and
- the potential for an equity issue. If one exists, we may ask the applicant to notify the mineral rights owners.
- We may request additional information (through a supplemental information request) to complete our technical review.
- We will decide to approve, close, or deny the application. If we close it, the applicant may reapply without prejudice. If we deny it, the applicant can file an appeal through our appeal process.
- We will provide the applicant with a link to the letter with our decision, which is accessible through the Integrated Application Registry. We will also share our decision on our Publication of Decision page.