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Directive 001

Requirements for Site-Specific Liability Assessments

Release Date
Effective Date

Replaces the previous edition released on July 4, 2023.
Released with Bulletin 2025-04.
See section 1.3 of the directive for what’s new.

Purpose of this Directive

This directive sets out the requirements for completing and submitting a site-specific liability assessment (SSLA). These directive applies to all liability management programs administered under the Oil and Gas Conservation Rules, Brine-Hosted Mineral Resource Development Rules, and Geothermal Resource Development Rules. It does not apply to sites subject to liability management programs administered under the specified enactments (e.g., the Mine Financial Security Program, which is authorized under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act).

The aim of this directive is to improve the consistency and accuracy of liability assessments submitted to the AER. They do not modify requirements on how to provide reasonable care and measures, contamination management (including remediation), suspension, abandonment, and reclamation activities.

Forms and Attachments