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ID 99-01

Gas/Bitumen Production in Oil Sands Areas – Application, Notification and Drilling Requirements [includes all 4 amendments]

Release Date

The purpose of this interim directive is to outline the new Alberta Energy and Utilities Board (EUB) requirements regarding gas/bitumen production in Oil Sands Areas. These requirements are largely based on the conclusions of the March 1998 EUB Inquiry Report on Gas/Bitumen Production in Oil Sands Areas, the July 1998 Gas/Bitumen Committee's recommendations on Gas/Bitumen Issues, and the November 1998 Industry/EUB Committee's recommendations on Gas Production Application Areas.

For wells completed in the defined oil sands strata prior to 1 July 1998, an application for approval to produce gas will not be required. These wells will be allowed to continue to produce, subject to the resolution of any concerns that may be raised by oil sands leaseholders or by the Board on its own initiative.

For all wells drilled and/or completed in the defined oil sands strata after 1 July 1998, an operator must submit an application and obtain approval from the Board before any gas, other than solution gas, can be produced. Also, all wells drilled in the oil sands strata after 1 July 1998 must be drilled deep enough to be able to log over the base of the oil sands deposit containing the zone from which gas and/or bitumen is to be produced. These requirements do not apply to wells that are drilled for mining projects or for wells that are exempt by the Board.

The requirement for an application for approval to produce gas and the drilling requirement are being incorporated into the Oil and Gas Conservation Regulation and/or the Oil Sands Conservation Regulation, and compliance with the regulations is being made a condition of all well licenses. These requirements are discussed in more detail in the following sections.

Notification of applications for approval to produce gas and for in situ oil sands schemes is to be given by the applicants to potentially affected parties, as detailed in the following sections.

The Board will periodically review these requirements, as new information becomes available, and make revisions as necessary.

Questions regarding this interim directive should be directed to the Reservoir Development Group.

<original signed by>

Frank J. Mink, P.Eng
Board Member