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Provides Business Associate (BA) codes for all registered licensees and agents
Note: This list is a subset of the larger Business Associate Codes List noted below

Licensee Agent Codes ST104 [XLSX]This list provides Business Associate (BA) codes for all registered licensees and agents. It is a subset of the Business Associate Codes (ST104A)Attributes include BA Code, Company Name, Address, Phone, Agent Name, Code, Licence Eligibility Type (General or Limited)

General Eligibility − Eligible to hold licences/approvals for all types of wells, facilities, and pipelines.

Limited Eligibility − Eligible to hold only certain types of licences and approvals, or eligibility is subject to certain terms and conditions.

Business Associate Codes ST104A [XLSX]This includes licensees and agents but also includes companies (e.g., drilling companies) that have codes but are not registered licensees or agentsAttributes include BA Code, Licensee, Abbreviation, Address, Phone, Licence Eligibility Type (General, Limited, or Not) 

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