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Bulletin 2024-13

Invitation for Feedback on Proposed Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act Applications and Approval Conditions for Pipelines

Release Date

We are seeking feedback on our draft Specified Enactment Direction: Pipeline Conservation and Reclamation Approvals Under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act; Requirements and Guidance for Applications and Postconstruction Reclamation Assessment Reports. The draft SED addresses conservation and reclamation matters under section 137(2)(c) of the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (EPEA) and has two main purposes:

  1. To set out the information requirements and expectations for a pipeline application for an approval under EPEA, as required under Schedule 1 Division 3(c) of the Activities Designation Regulation. Section 3 of the Approvals and Registrations Procedure Regulation outlines the application information requirements, and this SED provides additional detail in support of technically complete and consistent applications.
  2. To set out requirements and expectations for postconstruction reclamation assessment (PCRA) reports under an EPEA approval, in the interest of returning the land to a productive and environmentally stable state as soon as possible after construction.

The draft SED is applicable to EPEA pipeline applications and regulatory submissions related to oil, oil sands, natural gas, coal resources, geothermal, and brine-hosted mineral resources development that fall within the AER’s jurisdiction. For such applications and regulatory submissions, the draft SED supersedes and replaces the following Government of Alberta documents:

To provide feedback on the draft SED, complete the public comment form on our website. Comments in other formats can be emailed to or mailed to Alberta Energy Regulator, Suite 1000, 250 – 5 Street SW, Calgary, Alberta T2P 0R4. Feedback will be accepted through Wednesday, July 10, 2024.

All feedback received will be reviewed and may be used in finalizing the draft SED. The comments provided through this consultation will form part of the public record and may be attributed to the specific individuals who provided them. Personal information provided with comments will be collected, used, and disclosed in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. We may use the personal contact information you provide for follow-up communication related to your feedback.

The draft SED is available on our website at > Regulating Development > Rules and Directives > Specified Enactment Directions. If you have any questions, contact our Customer Contact Centre by phone at 1-855-297-8311 or by email at