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ID 81-03

Minimum Distance Requirements Separation New Sour Gas Facilities from Residential and Other Developments

Release Date

NOTE: All references to sour wells in this Interim Directive have been superseded by Interim Directive ID 97-06.

NOTE: 1996-04-09: Interim Directive ID 96-2 identified the following change to ID 81-03:

    "Appendix 3 is replaced by the requirements identified in Guide 56."

This directive replaces Interim Directive 79-02 issued 22 February 1979. Appendices 1 and 2 are identical to those in ID 79-02 with the exception that the "Applications" section of Appendix 1 has been deleted. A new Appendix 3 sets out requirements for applications for well licences and pipeline permits and includes a section dealing with concurrent applications for these facilities.

The separation distances described in this directive were developed by Alberta Environment and the Board and have been applied since early 1979 in granting approvals for sour gas facilities near areas of public use. These distances increase as the potential sour gas release volumes increase and with increasing population density.

With regard to encroachment of occupied buildings on existing sour gas facilities, the Subdivision Regulations of The Planning Act, 1977, were amended by Order in Council 382/79 to require setbacks similar to the Board's separation distances.

Interim Directive ID 79-02 is hereby rescinded.

ISSUED at Calgary, Alberta, on 16 December 1981.


<original signed by>

V.E. Bohme
Board Member