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Long before Alberta's first oil and gas boom, the province relied on coal to heat homes, generate electricity, and provide fuel for transportation. In the late 1800s, coal was the first energy commodity to be exported from the province. However, by the 1960s, oil and natural gas mostly replaced coal as Alberta's primary energy sources.

Today, Alberta export it to other countries where it is used to produce power and steel.

The following information is an overview of how the AER regulates coal mining and how we ensure the public and the environment are protected.

How is coal formed?

The coal mined in Alberta formed in prehistoric swamps hundreds of millions of years ago. As plants died and broke down in swamps and bogs, the decaying plant matter slowly sank to the bottom where it was buried under layers of sand and mud,  and formed peat. Over time, heat and pressure hardened the peat into coal.

Coalbed methane, a form of natural gas, is a by-product of that process. Learn more about coalbed methane production and how we regulate it.

Types of Coal Mined in Alberta

Two types of coal are mined in Alberta: thermal and metallurgical.

  • Thermal coal is burned to run steam turbines for generating electricity. It is also used to heat homes. As of 2024, there are no coal-fired electricity generation plants in Alberta.  However, coal continues to be mined for international export. Learn more about the phase out of coal on the Government of Alberta website.
  • Metallurgical coal, which is harder than thermal coal, burns at higher temperatures and is used for smelting iron and making steel.

Methods of Coal Mining

There are two ways to mine coal in Alberta: underground mining and surface mining.

Underground mining involves excavating a coal seam by tunnelling directly into the seam, without removing most of the overlying material (rock or soil), known as overburden. In Alberta, room and pillaris the most common underground coal mining method. Parallel tunnels are dug into the coal seam and connected at regular intervals, resulting in a grid of underground openings (rooms) separated by blocks of coal (pillars).

Surface mining involves removing overburden to gain access to a coal seam. Two methods of surface mining are used in Alberta: open-pit mining and strip mining.

Strip mining is used when the coal seam itself is close to the surface and relatively flat. Overburden is removed uniformly to access the seam. This is most often seen in the Prairies.

Open-pit mining is used when the coal seam is at an angle or is "folded" (meaning it is wavy or has an otherwise inconsistent surface). An open-pit mine targets the portion of the coal seam closest to the surface and involves removing overburden and the coal seam in increments, creating benches.

As mining progresses, each bench is moved inwards from the bench above, forming a pit. The angles of the pit walls are designed to minimize the amount of overburden removed and ensure stability during mining operations. This approach generally minimizes the amount of overburden removed. This type of mining is most often seen in the Eastern Slopes of the Rocky Mountains.

Mountaintop removal is not used in Alberta. This method envolves removing the top of a mountain to expose the coal seams underneath. It results in a relatively flat landscape where the summit previously existed.

How We Regulate Coal Mining

It is our job to ensure that companies mine coal in Alberta responsibly. Our work starts before a mine is built and continues after mining is complete.

Companies must obtain a coal lease from the Government of Alberta to develop coal resources.

The life cycle of a coal development has three distinct phases: exploration, construction and operation, and closure. We review and decide on applications and oversee and regulate each development phase. We conduct inspections, monitor compliance, and take enforcement actions throughout each development phase. During the closure phase, we issue reclamation certificates.

Continue reading for more information on each of these phases.

AER Response to Ministerial 03/2025

On January 16, 2025, we received Ministerial Order 2025-03 (MO 2025), which rescinds three previous ministerial orders (002/2022; 054/2021, and 093/2021) concerning coal mining activities in the Eastern Slopes and confirming the 1976 policy for coal development in Alberta.

Under the direction of Ministerial Order 2025-03, we must lift all previously suspended approvals that occurred under ministerial orders 054/2021, 093/2021, and 002/2022 by January 31, 2025.

In addition, we must extend the expiry dates for any suspended approvals, covering the time they were on hold so that approval holders are not penalized for the suspension period.

Until Alberta’s modernized coal policy is ready, coal exploration and development applications will be subject to the land categories outlined in the 1976 policy when evaluating coal applications.

We will consider all directions by the Minister, including the Coal Industry Modernization Initiative policy guidance in the Government of Alberta’s December 20, 2024 news release.

AER Coal Application Processes 

Companies must submit applications and receive our approval before developing coal projects, regardless of the development phase. Learn more about how we decide on coal mining authorizations.  Additional applications are often required as a mine expands and evolves throughout its life cycle and the development phases.

Coal Regulations and Guidance Documents

Throughout the life of a coal mine, companies must comply with the following acts and associated rules, regulations, and requirements that govern energy development:

AER Guidance and Reclamation Documents

Compliance and Enforcement

Throughout the life cycle of a coal project, we have significant oversight to ensure the company’s operations are meeting the conditions of our approval.

Our experts are on the ground conducting regular inspections and audits to ensure companies follow our requirements.

We inspect all coal development projects several times throughout the year. The number of yearly mine inspections is based on a risk assessment, which considers the mine’s size, location, performance, compliance history, and the stage in its life cycle (exploration, construction, operation, or closure).

If a company is not complying with our requirements, we will take appropriate compliance and enforcement actions and publish our findings on the Compliance Dashboard.

Related Information

ST26: Alberta Coal Industry Monthly Statistics shows how much coal is produced, processed, and exported from Alberta. The report includes information on coal producers, mine types, coal types, and coal volumes.

ST45: Operating and Abandoned Coal Mines in Alberta contains information on mines in Alberta dating back to 1880. The report also includes an interactive coal mine map viewer, which allows users to view and locate coal mines across Alberta.

ST98: Alberta's Energy Outlook provides independent and comprehensive information on the state of hydrocarbon reserves, a supply and demand outlook for Alberta’s diverse energy resources (including emerging resources), and a ten-year supply and demand forecast. The report also discusses prices and capital expenditures in the oil and gas sector, CCUS (carbon capture, utilization, and storage), pipelines, and other infrastructure related to Alberta’s energy resources.

The Alberta Geological Survey’s website provides more information about the types of coal found in our province.