Hydrogen is a colourless, odourless, tasteless, flammable gas. It is the simplest element and the most abundant element in the universe. However, on Earth, hydrogen is rarely found in gaseous form. Typically, hydrogen is bound with other elements in molecules, such as water, hydrocarbons (e.g., methane), and biomass. Hydrogen is not an energy source but a versatile energy carrier.
Hydrogen Production
There are several methods for producing or extracting hydrogen. Natural gas-based steam methane reforming (SMR) is the most common and cost-effective method of hydrogen production, contributing to over half of the world’s hydrogen production. SMR converts hydrocarbons and steam into hydrogen and carbon monoxide. Other hydrogen production methods include autothermal reforming, which uses natural gas, water, and oxygen to produce hydrogen, and electrolysis, which could use renewable and noncarbon-emitting power sources (e.g., solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, and nuclear energy).
For more information on hydrogen production in Alberta, see the Alberta Energy Outlook Report (ST98) under emerging resources - hydrogen.
Hydrogen Production Facility
Hydrogen production begins with the installation of hydrogen production technology, which may be a standalone facility or integrated with an existing regulated facility.
Operators planning to install and integrate hydrogen production technology within an approved Alberta Energy Regulator (AER)-regulated facility must apply to amend their existing approvals. Such applications follow the AER’s sector-specific Application Processes for oil sands (mining and in situ), coal mining, and oil and gas activities.
How is Hydrogen Regulated?
Alberta’s legislation addresses the regulation of hydrogen production, storage, and transportation by pipeline within the province. Regulatory oversight of hydrogen infrastructure is shared between the AER and Alberta Environment and Protected Areas (AEPA) as outlined in Alberta Energy and Minerals Information Bulletin 2022 - 01 and shown in the figure below.
Combined with the Responsible Energy Development Act, energy enactments and specified enactments provide legislative authority to the AER to regulate hydrogen production, storage, and pipeline transportation.
Alberta Energy Regulator
- The AER regulates hydrogen production infrastructure connected or associated with AER-regulated facilities (i.e., upgraders),
- subsurface hydrogen production,
- subsurface hydrogen storage,
- wells deeper than 150 metres used for hydrogen storage, and
- hydrogen pipelines operating at pressures greater than 700 kilopascals.
Alberta Environment and Protected Areas
The AEPA regulates hydrogen production technologies associated with AEPA-regulated facilities (e.g., standalone chemical or petrochemical manufacturing plants). For questions about AEPA’s hydrogen regulatory rules, email aep.outreach-services@gov.ab.ca.
The province’s hydrogen development plans, including the hydrogen road map, are available on the Government of Alberta’s website.

Compliance and Enforcement
We regularly conduct inspections and audits to make sure that companies are following our requirements. If we find that a company is noncompliant, we will take the appropriate compliance and enforcement actions.