Notice of Hearing
Regulatory Appeal
Proceeding ID 447
Veresen Midstream General Partner Inc.
Regulatory Appeal of Decision to Approve Applications 1948251 & 1948255 and Issue Facility Licence Nos. F21911 and F53592
The Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) will hold a public hearing for a regulatory appeal of the decision to approve applications 1948251 and 1948255 and issue facility licences F21911 and F53592 on January 9, 2024. The hearing will be scheduled after requests to participate are filed.
Description of the Proceeding
On February 7, 2024, the AER received a request for a regulatory appeal, under Division 3 of the Responsible Energy Development Act and Part 3 of the Alberta Energy Regulator Rules of Practice (Rules of Practice), of the AER’s decision to approve applications 1948251 and 1948255 and issue facility licence amendment F21911 and facility licence F53592 to Veresen Midstream General Partner Inc. (Veresen) on January 9, 2024.
The AER granted the request for regulatory appeal on July 12, 2024.
The purpose of the hearing is to determine whether the AER should confirm, vary, suspend or revoke its decision to approve applications 1948251 and 1948255 and issue facility licences F21911 and F53592.
Veresen’s Hythe Gas Plant de-bottleneck project will increase the sour gas processing capability of the Hythe Gas Plant by an additional 25 MMSCFD and add two facility line heaters. The inlet stream will be separated in the new inlet separator into the liquids and gas streams. Licence amendment (F21911) would allow Veresen to change maximum licensed inlet rates, change product/product recovery rates, install/remove compression to the existing gas processing plant located at Legal Subdivision 11, Section 18, Township 074, Range 12 West of the 6th Meridian.
Veresen also plans to expand its existing Hythe Gas Plant operations to construct and operate a new 250MMscfd Deep Cut facility that will be designed for both C2+ recovery and C3+ recovery mode. Licence F53592 allows Veresen to construct and operate a gas processing plant located in Legal Subdivision 15, Section 18, Township 074, Range 12, West of the 6th Meridian.
Where can I find information about the hearing?
To view or receive a copy of the hearing materials, or for information on AER procedures, contact
Elaine Arruda, Hearing Coordinator
Alberta Energy Regulator
Suite 205, 4999 – 98 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta T6B 2X3
Phone: 403-297-7365
How can I apply to participate in the hearing?
Veresen Midstream General Partner Inc., Peter and Teresa von Tiesenhausen, and the AER’s Regulatory Applications Branch are parties to this regulatory appeal.
If you are not already a party to the regulatory appeal and want to participate in the hearing, you must submit a written request to participate. Requests to participate are placed on the public record of this proceeding.
Your request to participate must contain the following:
- a copy of your statement of concern, if applicable;
- a concise statement indicating
- why you may be directly and adversely affected by a decision of the AER on the regulatory appeal, or
- you will not be directly and adversely affected by a decision of the AER on the regulatory appeal, explain
- what the nature of your interest in the matter is and why you should be permitted to participate,
- how your participation will materially assist the AER in deciding the subject matter of the regulatory appeal,
- how you have a tangible interest in the subject matter of the regulatory appeal,
- how your participation will not unnecessarily delay the regulatory appeal, and
- how you will not repeat or duplicate the evidence presented by the other parties in the regulatory appeal;
- the outcome of the regulatory appeal that you advocate;
- the nature and scope of your intended participation;
- your contact information;
- if you have a representative, their contact information;
- if you are acting on behalf of a group or association of persons, the nature of your membership in the group or association; and
- your efforts, if any, to resolve issues associated with the proceeding directly with the party requesting the appeal or the approval holder, as the case may be.
Send the request to the hearing coordinator. Submissions should be PDF documents with bookmarks, page numbers, and optical character recognition.
Filing deadlines
September 26, 2024 | Final date to file a request to participate. |
October 10, 2024 | Final date to submit responses to any request to participate. |
Is this a public process?
Yes. Section 49 of the Rules of Practice requires that all documents and information filed for a proceeding be placed on the public record. You must not include any personal information that you do not want to appear on or are not authorized to put on the public record. You should assume that anything you submit will be available online to the public. Section 49(2) of the Rules of Practice states how to apply to the AER for an order to keep information confidential.
What is outside of the AER’s jurisdiction?
Compensation for land use is not dealt with by the AER and should be referred to the Land and Property Rights Tribunal (formerly the Surface Rights Board).
Consultation with Alberta’s First Nations and Métis settlements and assessment of its adequacy are managed by the Aboriginal Consultation Office.
If my request to participate is approved, can I apply to get reimbursed for hearing-related costs?
If you are participating in a hearing, you may be eligible to have some of your costs paid.
Directive 031: REDA Energy Cost Claims explains how and when to apply.
Issued at Calgary, Alberta, on August 29, 2024.