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Compliance Orders

If a company fails to meet our strict requirements, we will apply one of our many compliance and enforcement tools. In some cases, we might issue an order. When a company receives an order, it must fix or correct its noncompliance by a certain date.

Compliance orders are designed to prevent, stop, or mitigate environmental impacts or risks to public safety. Compliance orders can be both remedial and punitive:

  • Remedial orders are designed to prevent, stop, or mitigate adverse environmental impacts or risks to public safety or responsible resource development.
  • Punitive orders are designed to penalize those found to be noncompliant with AER rules and requirements.

Follow Our Updates

Orders and amendments to orders can be found on our Compliance Dashboard, listed under the compliance and enforcement tab. Information related to incidents, investigations, compliance activities, and enforcement actions are also on the dashboard.

Historical Files

The following historical files include enforcement orders and environmental protection orders that were previously administered by Alberta Environment and Parks.

Locke Stock & Barrel Co. Ltd.- Municipal District of Foothills No. 31

Coal Valley Resources - Yellowhead County

Coal Valley Resources Inc. and Sherritt International Corporation - Obed Mountain Mine

Canadian Natural Resources Limited – Cold Lake Weapons Range

Learn more about other orders that we issue to ensure that companies comply with our rules.