This page summarizes our reclamation requirements for mines in Alberta. Jump a section to learn more:
- General mine reclamation requirements
- Coal mines and processing plants
- Coal exploration
- Oil sands mines and processing plants
- Oil sands exploration
- Rock-hosted mineral mines and processing plants
Our reclamation requirements vary depending on the type of energy or mineral resource development. Learn more on our Reclamation page.
We work with the Government of Alberta to protect Albertans from paying mine closure costs. The Mine Financial Security Program manages liabilities associated with the costs of reclaiming mines and processing plants.
General Mine Reclamation Requirements
When we approve rock-hosted mineral, coal, or oil sands mines and the associated processing plants under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (EPEA), the approval includes conditions for conservation and reclamation.
These conditions include site-specific requirements for land conservation and reclamation during construction, operation, and closure, such as soil salvage and storage.
The reclamation requirements in an EPEA approval are not comprehensive. Depending on the type of development, additional reclamation requirements may apply, such as those set out in other legislation (e.g., the Coal Conservation Act, Oil Sands Conservation Act, Mineral Resource Development Act, Public Lands Act), or in relevant regulatory policy (e.g., land-use framework regional plans).
At the end of a mining project’s life, the company that owns the mine must remove all infrastructure, abandon the site and return the land to an equivalent capability as its predevelopment state.
Under EPEA approval, companies must prepare for reclamation and submit plans and reports to guide progressive reclamation throughout the mine’s life cycle.
Obtaining a Reclamation Certificate
Before applying for a reclamation certificate for a mine or associated processing plant, companies should review our reclamation certificate application checklist for EPEA-approved activities and our list of frequently asked questions.
When all of our requirements have been met, including achieving the approved reclamation outcome, the company may apply for a reclamation certificate. See our Reclamation page.
Coal Mine and Processing Plants
More Info on Coal
Learn more about application process in Manual 020: Coal Development.
Coal Exploration
Companies with approved coal exploration operations may operate for a maximum of five years—two years for operations and three years for reclamation. We encourage companies to complete reclamation within one year of the surface disturbance.
Companies that cannot reclaim a site within five years may submit a miscellaneous lease application to us for environmental monitoring reclamation research to remove unsuccessfully reclaimed areas from the program. The company may then apply for a reclamation certificate for the reclaimed area.
Companies reclaiming coal exploration operations must also follow the requirements listed in the Code of Practice for Exploration Operations.
Companies have two growing seasons to complete reclamation and three growing seasons to apply for a reclamation certificate. More information and a list of requirements are provided in Coal and Oil Sands Exploration Reclamation Requirements.
Annual Reports
Companies must submit reports as per the conditions of their approvals and legislative requirements. The AER requires companies to submit reports throughout the development life cycle; requirements vary based on the development phase. Reports are typically submitted annually or semi-annually. Failure to submit may lead to compliance and enforcement action.
Oil Sands Mine and Processing Plants
More Info on Oil Sands
Oil Sands mines and processing plants are required to prepare conservation and reclamation submissions in accordance with Specified Enactment Direction 003: Direction for Conservation and Reclamation Submissions Under an Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act Approval for Mineable Oil Sands Sites. This specified enactment direction outlines submission and reporting requirements for life-of-mine closure plans, mine reclamation plans, and annual reclamation progress tracking reports under EPEA approval for mineable oil sands.
Oil Sands Exploration
Companies with approved oil sands exploration operations may operate for a maximum of five years—two years for operations and three years for reclamation. We encourage companies to complete reclamation within one year of the surface disturbance.
Companies that cannot reclaim a site within five years may submit a miscellaneous lease application to us for environmental monitoring reclamation research to remove unsuccessfully reclaimed areas from the program. The company may then apply for a reclamation certificate for the reclaimed area.
Companies reclaiming oil sands exploration operations must also follow the requirements listed in the Code of Practice for Exploration Operations.
Companies have two growing seasons to complete reclamation and three growing seasons to apply for a reclamation certificate. More information and a list of requirements are provided in Coal and Oil Sands Exploration Reclamation Requirements.
Annual Reports
Companies with approved oil sands operations must submit an annual report to us within 60 days of March 31 for every year of operation until a reclamation certificate is issued.
The annual report must include
- requirements consistent with section 7.1.5 of the Code of Practice for Exploration Operations;
- the area of new disturbance cleared or used as approved under the program;
- any sites added to the program that we have authorized;
- the total area of intensely used (i.e., disturbed) lands included in the program;
- a listing of all core hole sites or accesses converted to disposition under the Public Lands Act;
- the total area of lands within the program cleared but not explored to date and the plan for completion; and
- any other pertinent information relevant to the program.
Annual and final reports for exploration on private land must be submitted in accordance with the Code of Practice for Exploration Operations to
Rock-Hosted Minerals Mine and Processing Plants
More Info on Rock-Hosted Minerals
We are currently developing an approach to mine liability management for rock-hosted minerals. Our requirements for rock-hosted mineral mine liability management will ensure all infrastructure is removed from the landscape and land rehabilitated to an equivalent land capability at the end of the mining project.