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Well Testing Schedules

Companies must regularly test their wells. Below are our requirements and procedures for submitting oil and gas well test data. 

What We Require

All companies must submit their current well test data electronically—we only accept pressure ASCII standard (PAS) format. Hard copy reports will only be accepted for well tests done before January 1, 1999.

In addition to our well testing requirements, companies must submit

  • gas and fluid analyses,
  • absolute open flow,
  • acoustic well-sounder data,
  • static- and transient-gauge pressure data, and
  • drill stem tests.

See our SERCO List (updated July 2019) for five-digit codes, which we assign to all producing and service companies, and the corresponding PAS files.

Access PAS Well Test File Formats 

PAS V4.0 file formats [Excel] [PDF]

Annual Pool Pressure Survey Schedule

2024 Annual Pool Schedule [Excel]

These files contain the field and pool name, coordinating operator, survey requirement, the year the next survey is due, and the status (whether the requirement is fulfilled, outstanding, partially fulfilled, etc.). These files are updated monthly as required.

2024 Appendix - "SPECIAL CIRC" [PDF]Date:
Monthly Initial Well Test Requirements
Outstanding Initial Well Testing Requirements [Excel]Date:
Updated weekly

Contact Us

If you have questions about the information on this page or about well test submissions, or need help submitting an electronic test, email