Pipeline Licensing
The pipeline licensing module has been updated to align with revisions made to Directive 056: Energy Development Applications and Schedules, Directive 077: Pipelines – Requirements and Reference Tools, Manual 012: Energy Development Applications; Procedures and Schedules, and the Government of Alberta’s Pipeline Rules.
These updates include changes to the following OneStop activities:
- Pipeline discontinuance, abandonment, removal, and resumption
- Alberta Boilers Safety Association (ABSA) registration
- External protection
- Product blending (now natural gas stream blending)
- Level designation changes
Pipeline Forms
Effective November 16, 2023, applicants will be required to complete the appropriate form(s) when providing information on pipeline pressure testing using gaseous test media or liquid test media other than fresh water, and temporary surface pipelines (TSPs) for well testing, bypass, or water conveyance.
The new forms can be found under the “Forms” tab on the OneStop landing page. For more information, refer to Directive 077: Pipelines – Requirements and Reference Tools.
Public Lands
General fixes and enhancements have been completed in the public lands module. See “What’s New in OneStop” for details.
Water Act
A new borrow pit activity has been added to the water approvals module which includes the following:
- A single shapefile for borrow pit applications
- New screens for borrow pit applications
Enhancements include the ability for reviewers to change expiry dates for water approvals, and new options available for wetland assessment and impact form (WAIF) mitigation.
Other Enhancements and Fixes
We will release enhancements and fixes to the OneStop platform and provide details in “What’s New in OneStop,” which will be posted on the OneStop Help page on November 16.
We will schedule a system outage to implement these latest changes and post the notice on the Systems and Tools page on our website and the OneStop Help page.
Training and Support Materials
After the release, we will hold information sessions to review new Water Act functionality and enhancements. Registration details can be found on the AER Events page.
We will also post new and updated quick reference guides (QRGs) on the OneStop Help page to support pipeline licensing and borrow pit approval applications.
If you have questions about OneStop or this bulletin, contact the AER’s Customer Contact Centre by phone at 403-297-8311 (1-855-297-8311 toll free) or by email at inquiries@aer.ca.