Our estimated processing time for this application is 10 business days. See our timeline spreadsheet for updates.
Purpose of the Application
Companies sometimes experience unforeseen issues or emergencies at their operating wells, facilities, and pipelines that could not be anticipated when they submitted their original licence or approval application. In these cases, companies must request approvals, waivers, extensions, and regulatory variances for the following pipeline activities and processes:
- approval for prescribed gaseous or non-freshwater media pressure tests
- variance to prescribed gaseous or non-freshwater media pressure tests
- temporary substance change (maximum 30 days)
- temporary flow reversal (maximum 30 days)
- temporary resumption of a discontinued pipeline (maximum 30 days)
- operating a pipeline in a revised Class area
- ground disturbance approval where the licensee is unknown or defunct
- non-CSA materials or repair methods
- blending operations
These activities and requirements are detailed in Directive 077: Pipelines—Requirements and Reference Tools, Directive 056: Energy Development Applications and Schedules, Pipeline Rules, and CSA Z662. A company must apply when
- a pipeline licence under Directive 056 already exists, or
- a pipeline approval under an alternative authorization (such as Directive 077) process exists.
Process Checklist
Submit an Application
Companies must email their applications to PipelineOperations@aer.ca. The type of request must be identified in the email subject line. For example, type “PIPELINE – Temporary Flow Reversal”.
If the email subject line does not identify the request, we will close the application without further review.
Review Process
- We will assign the application to a subject matter expert for initial review. If information is missing (i.e., the application is not complete), we will close the application. At a minimum, we look for
- a detailed explanation of the waiver or variance being requested;
- the pipeline location, licence number, and map;
- an engineering assessment (where necessary); and
- any other supporting information that will assist in our review.
- We will then proceed with a full technical review.
- We may request additional information (through a supplemental information request) to complete our technical review.
- We will decide to approve, close, or deny the application. If we close it, the applicant may reapply without prejudice. If we deny it, the applicant can file an appeal through our appeal process.
- We will email the applicant to notify them of our decision, which is accessible through the Integrated Application Registry. We will also share our decision on our Publication of Decision page.