Replaces the previous edition released on March 27, 2023.
Released with Bulletin 2025-02.
Purpose of this Directive
This directive sets out requirements for reporting volumetric data for wells, pipelines, and facilities and well status changes using Petrinex. Under Part 12 of the Oil and Gas Conservation Rules and Part 4 of the Geothermal Resource Development Rules, each oil, gas, or geothermal licensee or operator in Alberta must keep and file with the AER a record of the monthly activities at a well, facility, or pipeline in accordance with Directive 007.
Gathering this data allows the AER to track production from wellhead to market so that we can maintain an accurate historical record of each well's hydrocarbon and by-product production and temperature data for geothermal wells, heat and power data for geothermal facilities, and well status changes. The data collected are used in various ways, such as for calculating and verifying royalties, assessing production operations, and preparing statistical reports on supply and market demand for the production of oil, gas, and other energy products.
Note: Well status (set through Petrinex) and licence status (set through the Digital Data Submission system) should align. For a list of valid combinations, refer to the well/licence status matrix linked below.
- Water Source Code Table (February 2015)
- Manual 011: How to Submit Volumetric Data to the AER (January 2025)
- Well / Licence Status Matrix (updated April 2012)
- AER Error Message Identifier Description and Associated Fee (April 9, 2024)
- Production Accounting (S-Forms) Volumetric Reporting (S-Forms) is now submitted through the Petrinex(formerly the Petroleum Registry of Alberta)
- Facility Licence Linking Template (see Bulletin 2023-34)
Related Information
- AER Invoice Review Template (October 2020)
- Volumetric Reporting Noncompliance Escalation Timelines (August 2019)
- For information on Sulphur Balance Reporting see By Topic > Sulphur Recovery
- AER Error Message Identifier Description and Associated Fee (April 9, 2024)